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Yeast cell wall

【Product Name】:Yeast cell wall

【Product ingredients】:

   ●β-(1-3,1-6) glucan-bioimmune component, excellent immune activator, improve immunity

   ●Mannan-adsorbs aflatoxin, zearalenone and other mycotoxins

   ●Glutathione-protects the liver and detoxifies, protects the intestinal mucosa from toxic substances and peroxides, and protects the digestive system of animals

【Six functions】:

   ●Effective adsorption of various mycotoxins;;

   ●Promote the development of the immune system and strengthen the immune function;

   ●Promote the reproduction of beneficial bacteria and improve intestinal function;

   ●Improve antioxidant capacity and reduce stress damage;

   ●Assist in the treatment of diseases and reduce the amount of antibiotics;

   ●Promote feeding and improve feed utilization.


   ●Project content(%)



   ●Crude protein 35~45


   ●Coarse ash≤8.0